Wednesday, March 12, 2014

"Roughing" It

So here I am. It's 10.30pm and I have a 5.30am wake up to go visit my parents for the day.
This would be fine......except I'm at my sisters place, in the forest, and twitching at every single noise there is.
I'm tired and my brain is undoubtedly declaring "Fuck Cara! Go to sleep" but I just can't. I grew up in the Byron Shire and yet it's amazing how quickly my body has adapted to the comforting sounds of Boeing 747's, snippets of neighbours conversations and stray ambulances.
It's at the point where I'm considering youtubing city sounds to get me to sleep. I can feel my country friends passing judgement and sis, please don't take it personally.
Admittedly, staying with my sister isn't it exactly "roughing it". She lives in what is definitively a mansion/ fairytale castle. There's a pool, a coffee machine and a Cara proof bathtub- essentially all I need to be happy in life- Oh and her of course!
Some people go on alcohol benders- and lets face it, our twenties are the decade we permanently preserve our livers, but this week is looking more like a coffee bender. It's not that I physically can't do 5am, it's just I work in a job where right now is my normal dinner time. I'm beginning to think 2am-10am isn't the best sleeping habit to have.
I like my sleep, and distinctly remember the battle I used to have at uni of finishing assignments at 3am. I never pulled an all-nighter but learnt very very quickly how to survive on 3hrs sleep.
I'm thinking that's my reality tonight. So yes I am roughing it ;)

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