Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Blogilates 28 Day Reset: Day 1 & 2

Day 1: The journey begins!

Hey Guys,

So I know it's been a while but I'm back on the blogosphere as I really want to document the super exciting new journey I've started on.

As some of my older followers may remember; About a year ago I discovered Blogilates and the brilliant world of Cassey Ho. In January and February of 2016 I set about attempting to complete the Beginners Workout Calendar as well as 2 x 30 Day Challenges. Although I succeeded in losing 8cm off my body and about 3kg over the month- I didn't stick with it and struggled to find a dietary balance.

Over the course of 2016 my life changed in a lot of big ways. My relationship of over 2 years ended, I moved interstate to Melbourne and I struggled to complete my Certificate III in Individual Support (Aged Care) whilst living out of hotels.

It was a hard year and as I battled with endless amounts of stress and depression; my diet and exercise regime fell into the ditch and then got eaten by a feral cat.

In November I finished my Certificate III and a few weeks later finally landed some stable accomodation. As  I celebrated the end of my course and got giddy on Eggnog and the greatest Black Forest dessert in existence I began to take notice of the toll the year had taken on my body.

Celebrating Graduation- There is so much love in this photo
And yet all I see is my larger than life body 

At 102 kg I am the heaviest I've ever been, struggle with half a flight of stairs, suffer acid reflux and nerve pain and cry if I go anywhere near a ladies clothing section in a store. For someone who used to jog 5km up and around hills for fun: I'm not proud of who I've become.

A few days before the new year began I was searching through my emails when I came across an email from Blogilates. It was a link to a PDF which gave instructions on how to the 28 Day Food Reset from the PIIT28 Program. Being poor, I'd never been able to justify the $80 Aus for the PIIT28 Exercise program- let alone the diet aspect. But here lay a unique, realistic and most importantly FREE opportunity to get my health back on track.

The Challenge 

Unlike most detox's or diets; The rules for the 28 Day Reset are pretty simple:

For 28 Days omit the following from your diet whilst working out 6 days a week with 1 Rest Day.

- No Gluten
- No Dairy
- No Added Sugar
- No Alcohol and
- No Processed Foods

Sounds really hard right? Not quite

For me the whole dairy and no alcohol thing wasn't really going to be an issue. I barely eat dairy due to my intolerance (Not that I hadn't enjoyed some serious cheese over the holidays) and alcohol often gives me reflux anyway. Taking out Gluten and Processed Foods would be interesting as I absolutely love my bread and beef mince for cooking. Added Sugar? Well it was about time I broke that addiction. As I'm struggling with my reflux a lot, I've also opted to give up coffee.

Before I started this challenge I wrote up a list of "Reset Safe" meals. The list contained 5 different breakfast options- such as Oats w/ Berries and Maple Syrup (my natural sweetener of choice) and 17 Dinner/Lunch options that were more than just "salad".

As for the workouts I'm giving The Beginner's Calendar another crack and next week I'll be introducing 2 x 1hr dance classes a week plus 1hr a week doing laps at the local pool. Really trying to find fun and enjoyable exercise options that don't break the bank ($10 a week total for 3hrs of exercise? Hell yes!).

It's Day 2 and so far I'm going ok. I'm really enjoying the food so far- Especially the GF Veggie "Burgers" I made tonight with Avocado Pesto (That stuff is addictive AF). Exercise wise? Despite not being able to properly do some of the workout moves I'm still getting serious day after muscle burn which is good.
Tonights culinary success! Note the dripping Avo Pesto

Today I went to my local bulk foods store and stocked up on ingredients for smoothies and picked up almost a kilo of Epsom salts to soak my sore muscles later this week.

Emotionally/ Energy wise I find myself feeling tired and getting a much better sleep at night. I've been feeling pretty cranky detoxing from the sugar, gluten and caffeine; However I'm hopeful that clears up soon. I'm trying to remind myself that I'm at the beginning of something new and remain positive about the process- it takes 21 days to break a new habit and it's always hard at the beginning of new journey's.

Anyway, That's all for now. I will keep you posted on my progress and if anyone has any questions about the #28DayReset feel free to send me a message.

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