Sunday, December 27, 2015

Reflections on the Uncreation of Elkenwood

Greetings my minions! (errrr I mean faithful band of relatives/ friends),

I've never attempted a review before so naturally I was pretty stoked when my request to review a debut single for a local (an in my opinion rather epic band) was gratuitously granted.

Sure this band describes themselves as being "Progressive black folk metal" which means that if I screw this up I'll probably end up stumbling around a Norwegian forest with Elk antlers attached to my head wearing nothing but a majestic as fuck fur coat, but lets not go into that.

Now I know nothing about metal but I do appreciate good music. So when my , then coworker, Gareth Graham struck up a conversation about the ethics of a tender moment with David Gilmour, I was intrigued. Fortunately this conversation quickly strayed and I was soon introduced to the delightfully eccentric and talented Nic Williams and then, by extension, Elkenwood.

Based in Brisbane, Elkenwood describes themselves as drawing their influence from "the natural world, astronomy, astral planes, Tolkien, psychedelia, lupines and cervines, boreal habitats and taiga forest, the 1970's, Mary Jane, love, life and death" (Taken from their website) but to me that description doesn't do it justice.

Elkenwood's debut "Uncreation" is what I'm guessing the eternal birthing of the universe (or Gareth Graham's soul) sounds like. It's a tangle of melodic guitar and roughly hewn vocals graced with elements reminiscent of "Great Gig in the Sky" (Dark Side of the Moon 1973). Performed by Nic Williams (Lead Guitar), Gareth Graham (Lead Vocals, Rhythm Guitar, Piano, Bass), Sid Falck (Drums) and Dalton Wilson (Acoustic Guitar) it truly is a testament to the thriving cesspool of talent that is the Brisbane music scene.

I encourage all of you to uncreate yourselves and check them out!


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